

Music for Children and Youth

Tintinnabulators is a handbell choir for grades 2-6 that meets from 5:30-6:00 p.m. on Wednesdays in the Choir Room. Nick Newkirk is the director.

Chimes Choir is for children in grades 1-2 that meets on Wednesdays in the Choir Room from 4:30-5:00 p.m. Katy Herbst de Cortina is the director.

Being a member of the church is not a requirement for participation, as these no-cost choirs are open to anyone.

Pizazz Music Camp

Started in 1993, this day camp is held for one week each summer. Students in the church and community – entering  grades 1-8 in the fall – are invited to participate in a music adventure, making use of singing, handbell and choir chime ringing, dancing and music enrichment classes. The basic and more advanced techniques of reading, singing and playing music, as well as rhythm and movement are taught by a highly qualified staff. Participants put on a Celebration Performance on Friday evening.

Pizazz music camp


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