Men’s Ministries
With programs for men of all ages, Men’s Ministries provides opportunities for the men of our faith community to grow together spiritually. Through making connections, sharing in meetings, participating in sporting events or museum tours, helping on church and community service projects, giving financial support to our mission organizations and youth scholarships, men seek to deepen their faith, gain a more balanced sense of self and a more complete discipleship. To join the group, contact John Shehorn, chair of Men’s Ministries, at
Men’s Morning Fellowship Group
Men of all ages are invited to meet on Zoom every Friday morning at 8 a.m. to discuss a topic of faith and purposeful living. The participants spend one hour sharing their stories, their experiences and taking a moment to center themselves.
Men’s Retreat
A Men’s Retreat is held one weekend or one Saturday each year. This retreat brings men of all ages together for spiritual growth, where being in the company of men of faith is celebrated and sustained. It is also a time for the men to reflect on their commitment to the church, their families and their friends at UMCWV.